The punitive-minded police state cranks up for CHOGM

Australia , Journalism , Politics , Western Australia Oct 24, 2011 No Comments

What strikes the visitor to Perth most forcefully, and most immediately, is its air of self-confidence. While politicians and commentators in the east like to play down the potential longevity of the west’s current mining boom — the better, one suspects, to keep the romantic secessionist rumblings in check — those who actually live here have a uranium-glow of optimism about them.

When I was here in January, I was told by a woman who works on an offshore oil rig that what the state was actually experiencing was “not a boom”, but rather “a boom within a boom”. On the first day of my most recent visit, I was told that the latter of these booms, the what-the-hell-is-water boom, would last “a hundred years”. This prospective time-frame accords nicely with the comments of Perth’s recently re-elected lord mayor, Lisa Scaffidi, who last week told reporters that the city is on the brink of its “Belle Époque”.

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Matthew Clayfield

Matthew Clayfield is a journalist, critic and screenwriter.

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